Courts / Probation Officers
Attn: Honorable Judges, Attorneys, Pre-trial Officers and Probation Officers
The Texas House is a believer in the positive results of Legal Intervention in order to motivate an individual to enter Treatment. We provide a one year treatment program for adult men using the therapeutic community, (T.C.) modality. T.C.s are highly structured residential programs intended to treat criminal and antisocial behaviors occurring within substance abuse or dependence. Our program is steeped in the traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous and operates as a Therapeutic Community licensed by the Texas Department of State Health Services.
The program at The Texas House has four phases: 1) Orientation Phase, which usually last 14 days. 2) Primary 3)Transition Phase, lasting between 4½ to 7 months. 4) Work Phase, begins after treatment & Transition phase and continues until the client is successfully discharged. Our Merit system exists so that clients can earn or lose points and privileges based upon various criteria.
Sometimes it is in the best interests of a client to be legally mandated to Texas House through the Criminal Justice System for a period of one year. Communication between The Texas House counselor and court agencies (probation, pre-trial, court services) happen on a regular basis. Probation officers, court officers and/or the courts are kept informed with current information on clients progress. Urine analysis and breathalyzer test are taken randomly and results are included in monthly progress reports.
Attn: Honorable Judges, Attorneys, Pre-trial Officers and Probation Officers
The Texas House is a believer in the positive results of Legal Intervention in order to motivate an individual to enter Treatment. We provide a one year treatment program for adult men using the therapeutic community, (T.C.) modality. T.C.s are highly structured residential programs intended to treat criminal and antisocial behaviors occurring within substance abuse or dependence. Our program is steeped in the traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous and operates as a Therapeutic Community licensed by the Texas Department of State Health Services.
The program at The Texas House has four phases: 1) Orientation Phase, which usually last 14 days. 2) Primary 3)Transition Phase, lasting between 4½ to 7 months. 4) Work Phase, begins after treatment & Transition phase and continues until the client is successfully discharged. Our Merit system exists so that clients can earn or lose points and privileges based upon various criteria.
Sometimes it is in the best interests of a client to be legally mandated to Texas House through the Criminal Justice System for a period of one year. Communication between The Texas House counselor and court agencies (probation, pre-trial, court services) happen on a regular basis. Probation officers, court officers and/or the courts are kept informed with current information on clients progress. Urine analysis and breathalyzer test are taken randomly and results are included in monthly progress reports.